On Tuesday, the Senate passed with five bills that relate to the environment, with Republicans offering some resistance, and a budget that had less opposition. House Bill 99, sponsored by Rep. Debra Heffernan, D-Brandywine Hundred South, would require that Delaware meet certain emission reduction requirements, getting to zero net emissions by 2050, and create climate change officers within all nine …
JFC asks for return on investment on educational spending
Several members of the Joint Finance Committee asked the Department of Education officials on Wednesday when and if they would ever see a return on the state’s investment in public education. Student achievement metrics like standardized test scores have fallen off a cliff over the past decade and the state still faces a teacher shortage. Education Secretary Mark Holodick and …
JFC: Department of Correction focuses on hiring more officers
S Staff retention in Delaware’s prison system was an important issue at Wednesday’s Joint Finance Committee budget hearing. Monroe Hudson, the commissioner of the Delaware Department of Correction, told Sen. Laura Sturgeon, a Democrat who represents the Greenville area, that he thinks the department has made progress since 2017. It now has 2,647 full-time employees, the most since at least …
Pay hike for school bus drivers wins preliminary approval
The committee responsible for drafting the state’s budget has approved an increase in funding for Delaware’s public school bus drivers. The Joint Finance Committee, comprised of eight Democrats and four Republicans, voted last week to add $16.9 million to address recommendations from the Public School Transportation Committee, a group consisting of legislative and state budget officials, public and charter school …
Lawmakers OK state worker pay raises, $500 bonus
The General Assembly’s budget-writing committee on Tuesday approved raises for state workers. Under the governor’s proposed budget, employees on the lower end of the pay scale would get the most significant boost in pay. The Joint Finance Committee approved the increases during its first day of “markup,” a period during which the committee takes the governor’s recommended budget and votes …
Wilm. mayor’s budget: tax increases, pay raises, job cuts
Wilmington Mayor Mike Purzycki Included in Wilmington Mayor Mike Purzycki’s proposed $176.9 million city budget are a 7.5% property tax increase, a 5% increase in water and sewer fees, and the elimination of 14 positions in city government. Purzycki presented the fiscal year 2023 budget proposal before City Council Thursday along with an $82.1 million water, sewer and stormwater budget. …
Republicans give Carney’s $5 billion budget proposal a C+
Left to right: Senate Minority Leader Gerald Hocker, R-Ocean View, Senate Minority Whip Brian Pettyjohn, R-Georgetown, House Minority Whip Tim Dukes, R-Laurel, Rep. Ruth Briggs King, R-Georgetown. House and Senate Republicans are generally pleased with Gov. John Carney’s $5 billion proposed state budget but argue more should be done to return money to taxpayers given the state’s rosy economic outlook. …
Gov’s budget proposal nears $5 billion; includes raises for all state employees
Gov. John Carney (D) on Thursday introduced his proposed FY 2023 operating budget/Stacey Hofmann Gov. John Carney’s $4.99 billion proposed budget for 2023 includes raises for all state employees, increased opportunity funding for schools in low-income areas, continued investment in clean water and economic development initiatives and funding for the construction of three new schools and two courthouses. What the …