Cora Castle co-founded OmniPotential Energy Partners, a company that has an unusual angle on charging electric vehicles (EVs). Courtesy of Cora Castle

Cora Castle charged up about OmniPotential’s neighborhood EV chargers

Ken MammarellaBusiness, Headlines, Women-Owned Businesses

WILMINGTON — Half of Americans could be the market for Cora Castle’s idea for curbside charging of electric vehicles, and her first customer is a Greenville museum. The Delaware Museum of Nature and Science signed on with OmniPotential Energy Partners in October. Installation is expected in the first quarter of 2025. “I met Cora at a chamber of commerce meeting about two years …

DNREC regulations electric vehicles

DNREC finalizes EV regulations. Critics are not impressed

Betsy PriceGovernment, Headlines

DNREC has finalized state regulations about electric and other zero emission vehicles it says will help Delaware achieve lower air pollution caused by light- and medium-duty cars,. Instead of demanding that by 2035 all new car sales in Delaware must be electric, the program will end in 2032 when sales are expected to hit 82%. That will address many of …

Bills passed Tuesday would offer rebates for electric vehicles and require some school buses to be electric, too. (Unsplash photo by Cchuttersnap)

Senate passes 5 environment bills, budget

Sam HautHeadlines, Government

On Tuesday, the Senate passed with five bills that relate to the environment, with Republicans offering some resistance, and a budget that had less opposition. House Bill 99, sponsored by Rep. Debra Heffernan, D-Brandywine Hundred South, would require that Delaware meet certain emission reduction requirements, getting to zero net emissions by 2050, and create climate change officers within all nine …

climate bills

4 climate bills draw support, criticism ahead of hearings

Sam HautGovernment, Headlines

Three House bills and one Senate bill are set to be heard Wednesday by the House Natural Resources and Energy committee and the Senate Environment Energy & Transportation committee.  All of them are part of an initiative by Gov. John Carney and Democratic legislators to lower harmful emissions in Delaware to improve air quality. The package includes eight bills, seven …

Delaware wants to increase the number of electric vehicles sold in the state. (Photo by Chuttersnap on Unsplash)

DNREC hears mostly support for EV mandate

Sam HautGovernment, Headlines

The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control on Wednesday heard from over 50 passionate people on a proposed electric vehicle regulation. The proposed Advanced Clean Car Program would, starting with the 2026 model year, require 35% of cars sold by Delaware dealerships to be zero-emission vehicles. That percentage would increase about 8% annually until it reaches 100% by …

Electric vehicle charging

Delaware GOP sets 5 town halls on electric vehicle mandate

Sam HautGovernment, Headlines

The Delaware GOP has scheduled five town hall meetings during the next two weeks that will focus on Gov. John Carney’s electric vehicle mandate. That mandate to make 35% of new vehicles electric in Delaware by 2025 and 100% of new vehicle sales electric by 2035, is expected to trigger a raft of new regulations from the Delaware Department of …

New Castle County to require new homes to be EV-charger ready

Charlie MegginsonGovernment, Headlines

An electric vehicle charges. Photo courtesy of Nikon Corp. on Unsplash. All new residential units in New Castle County will be required to have the infrastructure to support electric vehicle charging, thanks to an ordinance passed by the County Council last week.  The ordinance, sponsored by Councilwoman Dee Durham, D-District 2, will help new home buyers more easily and less …