Latisha Bracy, a former aide to multiple United States senators, has been selected to fill a vacant at-large seat on the Wilmington City Council. The seat was held by Councilwoman Loretta Walsh, a Democrat, who resigned in October and passed away later that month. Sixteen qualified candidates submitted applications to the Wilmington City Council Committee of the Whole, which is …
Wilmington City Councilwoman Linda Gray dead at 73
Wilmington City Councilwoman Linda Gray died suddenly Monday night after a brief fight with pneumonia. She was 73. Prior to joining City Council in 2019 to represent the 1st District, Gray served as a magistrate court judge and as president of the Brandywine Hills Community Association. Mayor Mike Purzycki announced Gray’s passing Tuesday morning. “Wilmington is again mourning the loss …
Wilmington City Councilwoman Loretta Walsh to resign
Longtime Wilmington City Councilwoman Loretta Walsh will resign in October, she announced Wednesday. Walsh, who served as an at-large council member for 30 years, cited poor health as the reason for her resignation. “I love this city so much, and I am so proud to have been both a participant and a leader in helping to shape and grow Wilmington …
Darby ordinance would make Wilm employers pay for shift changes
Photo/Getty Images Business leaders are lining up in opposition to a proposed ordinance in Wilmington that would require service industry employers to provide two-weeks notice of work schedules and compensate employees when changes occur. The measure, sponsored by Council Member Shané Darby, D-District 2, aims to provide more schedule stability for hourly workers at retail, hospitality and foodservice establishments with …
Wilmington residents sign petition in support of police chief
Chief Robert Tracy/Wilmington Police Department A petition expressing support for the Wilmington Police Department has gathered more than 600 signatures after the Wilmington City Council on Thursday passed a “vote of no confidence” in Chief Robert Tracy. The vote happened after a nearly three-hour-long Public Safety Committee meeting Tuesday during which Tracy and others defended the department’s practices amidst claims …
Wilmington Councilwoman Rysheema Dixon resigns during meeting
Councilwoman Rysheema Dixon/Photo Wilmington City Council Wilmington City Councilwoman Rysheema Dixon, a Democrat, resigned from office during Thursday’s council meeting. The at-large council member said she’d be taking time to focus on her community development consulting business, RD Innovative Planning, which she said is rapidly expanding within the United States and even internationally. Prior to her departure, Dixon served as …
Wilmington term limit resolution could allow officials to spend 36 years on council
UPDATE: Councilwoman Shané Darby has informed Delaware LIVE/Town Square LIVE that she will not be in attendance at Thursday’s City Council meeting. The resolutions will now be heard during the Jan. 6, 2022 meeting. Wilmington’s city council will vote on two contentious resolutions next month, both sponsored by Councilwoman Shané Darby. The first resolution asks the Delaware General Assembly to …