Bill to study, encourage early childhood workforce heads to House floor

Betsy PriceEducation, Headlines

    A bill requiring the state to conduct an annual workforce study of early childhood professionals and help the pool of workers earn more unanimously passed the House Education Committee.  House Bill 377, sponsored by Sherae’a Moore, D-Middletown, would have the Department of Education do the annual study, with the first due by Nov. 15, 2022, along with a …

Paid leave bill to be walked through House committee

Charlie MegginsonGovernment, Headlines

The Healthy Delaware Families Act is expected to proceed to the House Appropriations Committee despite not receiving the requisite number of votes in the House Health and Human Development Committee Wednesday. Photo/Getty Images. The bill to create a statewide paid family and medical leave program faced a slight hiccup on its journey to becoming law Wednesday. The Healthy Delaware Families …

Bill ordering K-12 mental health curriculum on way to Senate

Jarek RutzEducation, Headlines

A bill that would require a statewide mental health curriculum has passed the House. Photo by Unsplash     A bill that will require the state to provide mental health education in every grade level passed the House and is headed to the Senate Education Committee. House Bill 301 would require the Delaware Department of Education to establish a statewide  …

Republican lawmakers to Carney: ‘End the mandates, restore normality’

Charlie MegginsonGovernment, Headlines

Twelve Republican state representatives on Tuesday sent an open letter to Gov. John Carney asking that he reconsider mask mandates in state buildings and schools and stop advocating for COVID-19 booster shots. They encouraged the Democratic governor to promptly end all pandemic-related restrictions, return state workers to their normal places of employment, and “restore normality” for all Delawareans. The legislators …

Recreational marijuana moves one step closer to becoming legal in DE

Charlie MegginsonGovernment, Headlines

A bill to legalize the cultivation, sale and possession of marijuana in Delaware was released from the House Health and Human Development Committee Wednesday by a margin of 10 to four. All 10 Democrats on the committee voted in favor of the bill’s release. Rep. Mike Smith, R-Pike Creek, was the lone Republican to support the bill. The bill will …

As revenues rise, Republicans say taxpayers should get some money back

Charlie MegginsonGovernment, Headlines

Republicans in the General Assembly have introduced six bills to decrease Delawareans’ tax burden. (Getty Images) Republicans in the House of Representatives have introduced six new bills to return surplus state revenue to Delawareans. With a windfall of cash from federal stimulus bills and the bipartisan infrastructure bill, Republican lawmakers say there’s no better time to give Delawareans some needed …

Pre-filed bills offer glimpse into legislature’s plans

Charlie MegginsonGovernment, Headlines

The General Assembly will meet in person for the first time on Thursday, Jan. 13. (Getty Images) A list of pre-filed House bills released Thursday offers a glimpse into some of the issues the General Assembly plans to tackle when it reconvenes next week. Proposals included on the list range from a measure to make gun ownership legal for medical …

Proposed House redistricting offers more changes than Senate

Charlie MegginsonGovernment, Headlines

Sussex County House districts will change a lot if proposed plan goes forward.   House Democratic leadership has released their proposed redistricting maps and Sussex County will pick up a seat — that of embattled Representative Gerald Brady, a Democrat from Wilmington. The House of Representatives will convene in a special session on Nov. 1 to finalize the maps that …

Patriots for Delaware says it found proof of election fraud

Charlie MegginsonGovernment, Headlines

230-plus people file out of Tuesday’s Patriots of Delaware election fraud meeting in Milford.     Patriots for Delaware on Tuesday said they had evidence of dead people voting in the November 2020 election as well as nursing homes submitting more ballots than they had available beds. The group doesn’t believe the fraud they claim to have found would have …