Most of the bills flew through the House on the final day of Delaware’s 2024 legislative session, but one dealing with affordable housing was met with resistance before passing. Senate Bill 293, sponsored by Senate Majority Whip Elizabeth “Tizzy” Lockman, D-Wilmington, revises both the Delaware Fair Housing Act and Residential Landlord-Tenant Code to repeal the exemption to discrimination based on …
DNREC must hold certain in-person hearings, if bill passes
A bill that would force DNREC to hold public meetings in person and allot at least two hours for public comment on major issues got quite a lot of comment during a hearing Wednesday before being approved. House Bill 434, sponsored by Rich Collins, R-Millsboro, the bill will keep the Delaware Natural Resources and Environmental Control Department “transparent and citizen friendly” …
Affordable housing group seeks school tax exemptions
The Delaware legislature pushed through a bill that would exempt an affordable housing organization from paying certain taxes. Senate Bill 78, sponsored by Senate Majority Whip Elizabeth “Tizzy” Lockman, D-Wilmington, exempts people from paying school property taxes on real estate owned by Todmorden Foundation and used for the purposes of affordable housing. That organization is a non-profit that provides affordable …
State forfeiture limits bill gets bipartisan appreciation
A new bill that would limit the power of the state to seize assets from Delawareans was applauded in the House Public Safety & Homeland Security Committee Tuesday. House Bill 280, sponsored by Rep. Kim Williams, D-Marshallton, prohibits assets from forfeiture if they are near controlled substances or with trace amounts of such. The bill points out that legal presumption …
Assisted suicide finally passes House, despite GOP concerns
A unique method of death by self-administered medication that has been discussed by the General Assembly for several years has once again made into this year’s legislative session. And, once again, the Republicans pushed back in full swing, with a myriad of concerns with both logistical and moral concerns. The concept made Rep. Rich Collins, R-Milsboro, question the religious morality …
Bill would OK using taxpayer $$$ to help Delawareans buy EV chargers
After pushback about how Delaware will pay for it, a bill creating a rebate program to help residents buy electric vehicle charging equipment was approved unanimously in a House committee Tuesday. The lower the buyer’s income, the larger the rebate would be, according to House Bill 13, sponsored by Rep. Sophie Phillips, D-Christiana. The bill did not have a financial …
Bill to change state tax brackets halted in committee
A bill that would alter Delaware’s tax code in a way the sponsor says would ultimately lower tax payments for everyone was put to death Tuesday by the House Revenue and Finance Committee. Another was delayed for consideration until the next meeting. Votes for House Bill 233, sponsored by Majority Leader Mike Ramone, R-Newark/Pike Creek, split along party lines in …
Educator pay report gets mostly warm welcome from legislators
Delaware state senators and representatives didn’t revolt when they got their first bite at recommendations for higher educator pay that would cost the state hundreds of millions in coming years. But questions did arise in Thursday’s joint House And Senate Education committees meeting that lasted about 1 ¼ hours. They included concern about poorer districts’ ability to pay their 30% …
Proposed green energy bill could mean higher power bills
A piece of proposed legislation that would give the Delaware Public Service Commission more power over the sources of energy in the First State is drawing fire from a state representative. The legislation, which popped up in a recent energy stakeholders meeting, would support Delaware’s Climate Action Plan. It does not yet have a sponsor attached. “They’re pushing forward with …
More paid leave bills, rent increase restrictions pass House
As the General Assembly is in its last week of session this week, the state House went into the late hours of Tuesday night with discussion around several bills addressing paid leave. House Bill 65, sponsored by Rep. Debra Heffernan, D-Brandywine Hundred South, provides state employees who suffer a miscarriage, stillbirth or other loss, a maximum of five days of …