Providence Creek Academy, pictured above, is one of four grant recipients in Delaware to support rural education.

2 districts, 2 charters share $185,478 to support rural education

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Education

Four educational entities in Delaware are receiving thousands of dollars to support rural education. The federal Rural and Low Income Schools Program grant to provide rural districts and schools with financial assistance for initiatives aimed at improving student achievement. “This additional funding allows our school to provide much-needed support to meet the social-emotional needs of our students, and to connect …

Sussex Consortium has many students with disabilities, and a vocational program gears them up to land a paying job in the workforce.

Cape’s Sussex Consortium helps students with disabilities land careers

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Education

A 21-year old student with disabilities that require a wheelchair has secured a career in hospital work, and she’s giving all the credit to a unique vocational program at Cape Henlopen School District’s Sussex Consortium. “I’m so grateful because I feel like this program has given me so many opportunities, and if I wasn’t in this program, I don’t think …

Cape Henlopen School District's referendum is unsuccessful for a second time.

Cape Henlopen referendum fails for the second time

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Education

This is a developing story. Check back for updates. Another try yields the same result for Cape Henlopen School District. In a nail-biter, the district’s second try at a referendum to raise local taxes to increase district revenue was unsuccessful Tuesday. The final vote was 52.8% against (4,628) and 47.2% for (4,133) a tax increase that would benefit the district. …

SB 211 now must pass the House to become law, making DIAA adopt javelin as an event.

Bill making javelin DIAA event moves on; some coaches object

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Government

A bill that would permit scholastic track and field competitions to include the javelin event passed the Senate Tuesday – although some coaches are not happy with the idea. Senate Bill 211, sponsored by Sen. Darius Brown, D-Wilmington, forces the Delaware Interscholastic Athletic Association adopt javelin as an approved event for all DIAA-sponsored track and field competitions. The bill passed …

Districts that have had successful referendums are now planning designs, construction bids, and how projects will be phased over the next few years.

Here’s what happens now in districts whose referendums passed

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Education

Now that Colonial, Red Clay and Brandywine have had successful referendums, residents of those school districts may be wondering when they’ll have to pony up finances and when they’ll see new facilities. Delaware school districts that have had a successful referendum typically phase their spending over three years or more.  The concept of the referendum isn’t widespread nationally.  Delaware is …

Cape Henlopen's referendum will be on Tuesday, March 26.

Cape Henlopen 6th district to hold tax hike vote; March 26

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Education

Cape Henlopen School District is the sixth district in Delaware to have a referendum this year in which residents will vote whether or not to raise local taxes. In total, the district is seeking a total of $83,647,000 of additional local revenue.  This year’s referendum will take place Tuesday, March 26, with polls open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. …

HB 96 would lower the voting age in school board elections to 16.

Bipartisan attacks kill bill lowering school board voting age

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Government

A bill that would lower the voting age to vote in school board elections from 18 to 16 drew heavy criticism from both sides of the aisle in the House Education Committee Wednesday. After an hour-and-a-half conversation filled with both Democrats and Republicans opposing the legislation, House Bill 96 was tabled Wednesday. That means the committee will take no further …

The state wants more mentors in schools. (Unsplash)

School mentors: Who they are, what they do may surprise you

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Education

Two months ago, fifth-grader Jeraniah Jackson joined the 150 students in Cape Henlopen School District’s mentoring program.   She had been disrespectful of teachers and generally not nice to people around her when someone suggested she consider the program. “It’s definitely helped,” said Jackson, who attends H.O. Brittingham Elementary in Milton. “I talk to my mentor about things that happen in …

Brandywine School District will explore new ways to formally evaluate Superintendent Lincoln Hohler this year.

Brandywine seeks help on superintendent evaluation 

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Education

The Brandywine School District voted Monday night to explore using the same new model for evaluate its superintendent that Christina decided to consider two months ago. The vote came after Brandywine School Board member Ralph Ackerman recommended contacting the Delaware School Boards Association to set up a workshop to talk about its program they would use with Superintendent Lincoln Hohler. …


Jimmie Allen to appear on literacy program with new book

Jarek RutzEducation, Headlines

Country music sensation and Delaware native Jimmie Allen will join Read Aloud Delaware Wednesday for a Q+A session about his children’s book, “My Voice Is a Trumpet.” The book will then be read by his kindergarten teacher, Mary Beth Alexander. “He took my hand and held my arms and said, ‘I want the world to hear you read to them …