A proposed rebate program could incentives people to purchase EV charging equipment. (Photo by paulynn/Adobe Stock)

Bill would OK using taxpayer $$$ to help Delawareans buy EV chargers

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Government

After pushback about how Delaware will pay for it, a bill creating a rebate program to help residents buy electric vehicle charging equipment was approved unanimously in a House committee Tuesday. The lower the buyer’s income, the larger the rebate would be, according to House Bill 13, sponsored by Rep. Sophie Phillips, D-Christiana. The bill did not have a financial …


Bill raising fines for ignoring emergency vehicles moves on

Katie KazimirGovernment, Headlines

Drivers who don’t move over for emergency vehicles would face stricter penalties under House Bill 329. The bill passed through the House Public Safety and Homeland Security Committee Tuesday and now moves to the House ready list for a floor vote.  HB 329 addresses the growing concern over the safety of emergency responders by increasing the penalties for drivers that …


Retirees to health insurance committee: Thank you.

Betsy PriceGovernment, Headlines

A joint meeting of the House and Senate health committees only needed half the time it had allotted to listen to a proposal about changing state employee healthcare. Apparently mindful of the deluge of retirees who reacted angrily to news in 2022 that the state was moving retirees to a Medicare Advantage plan, the joint meeting planned to run from …

About 30% of the state's marijuana card holders are 65 or older.

Law allowing elders to self-certify for marijuana card passes House

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Government

Another marijuana law – sponsored by the apparent champion of cannabis in the state legislature, received some opposition in the House Thursday before ultimately passing. House Bill 285, sponsored by Rep. Ed Osienski, D-Newark, who has been a champion of marijuana in the state legislature, would allow Delawareans 65 or older to obtain a medical marijuana card without their doctor’s …

Medical marijuana has been legal in Delaware since 2011.

Should those 65-plus get marijuana card without doc consent?

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Government

A bill that would allow Delawareans 65 or older to obtain a medical marijuana card without their doctor’s approval got some pushback Wednesday in a legislative hearing. House Bill 285, sponsored by Rep. Ed Osienski, D-Newark would allow the state’s elders to self-certify for the card without a certification from a health-care provider, circumventing the doctor-patient relationship. Oseinski said those …

HB 203 would require high schools to teach financial literacy, and students would need to take a half-credit to graduate.

Financial literacy may become graduation requirement

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Government

Delaware students may soon be required to take a financial literacy class in order to graduate.  House Bill 203, sponsored by Rep. Jeff Hilovsky, R-Millsboro, would require public schools to teach financial literacy, which is essentially how to make smart decisions about money. A unanimous vote in the House Education Committee Wednesday sent it to House ready list for debate …


EV bills inch closer to law as GOP continues opposition

Sam HautGovernment, Headlines

Several energy-related bills waltzed through the House Resources and Energy Committee Tuesday, despite Republican opposition. Senate Substitute 1 for Senate Bill 7, sponsored by Sen. Stephanie Hansen, D-Middletown, would update the responsibilities of the State Energy Office to include developing the State Energy Plan, the state’s Climate Action Plan, and transitioning Delaware towards more renewable energy. The bill is a …

A proposed bill would task schools with teaching financial literacy.

State Rep: We must teach financial literacy in school

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Education

A Republican legislature has made it his mission to educate Delaware’s youth on finances.  Rep. Jeff Hilovsky, R-Millsboro, has proposed a bill that would require public schools to teach financial literacy, which is essentially how to make smart decisions about money. “I’ve kind of taken this on as a badge of honor,” he said. Hilovsky said he has noticed his …

Members of the House Education Committee agreed Wednesday about the importance of mentoring and literacy. (Unsplash)

Bill to foster mentoring in schools draws bipartisan support

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Education

A bill that would establish a 17-person task force to focus on mentoring and improving literacy rates for Delaware’s youth unanimously passed the House Education Committee Wednesday.  “We believe that the 18,222 children in charter schools across our state benefit not just from the educators in the building, but from the village that helps educate them,” said Kendall Massett, executive …

Osienski marijuana

Marijuana legalization bill passes House, sent to Senate

Sam HautGovernment, Headlines

The Delaware House of Representatives on Tuesday once again sent a bill to legalize the use of marijuana in the First State to the Senate, this time on a 28 to 13 vote. House Bill 1 is sponsored yet again by Rep. Edward Osienski, D-Newark, who managed to get a similar bill passed last year, only to see it vetoed …