OMC Provides Update on Open Retail License Lottery and Selected Applicants for Delaware’s Marijuana Industry

Staff WriterGovernment, RSS-GOV

Following the public license lottery conducted by the Office of the Marijuana Commissioner (OMC) on December 19, 2024, the OMC is excited to announce the official list of applicants selected to join Delaware’s regulated marijuana industry. This lottery represents a significant milestone in the OMC’s commitment to a fair and transparent licensing process. Selected applicants […] Staff WriterThis post was …

Office of the Marijuana Commissioner (OMC) Conducts Lottery for Open Retail Licensing

Staff WriterGovernment, RSS-GOV

Dover, DE — December 19, 2024 The Office of the Marijuana Commissioner (OMC) conducted a public license lottery to select applicants in the Open Retail category for Delaware’s regulated marijuana industry. This event marks a significant milestone in fostering a fair and transparent licensing process, ensuring equal opportunities for businesses to participate in the state’s […] Staff WriterThis post was …

Delaware lottery winners Powerball

Delawareans have won Powerball 285 times for $1.6 billion

Betsy PriceCulture, Headlines

Delaware residents have cashed in $1.6 billion in Powerball lottery winnings since 1992, a national gambling site says. That $1.6 billion is adjusted for inflation, and GambleSpot says it used data from the Powerball website to figure out how many people had won lotteries between 1992 and 2024. The site said Delaware winners have won the Match 5 266 times, Match 5 …

DelawareLive April 2

DelawareLIVE Weekly Review – April 2, 2023

Sonja FreyDelaware Live, Weekly Review

Click on the image below to view as a PDF This Week’s Top Headlines Include: Headlines Rescue dog on its way to be named official state animal New Castle Vo-Tech to get $113,016 from JUUL lawsuit Delaware Lottery to allow debit cards, add drawing next year Culture Mt. Pleasant lets it go with ‘Frozen’ musical this weekend Kalmar Nyckel center …

delaware lottery

Delaware Lottery to allow debit cards, add drawing next year

Sam HautHeadlines, Government

The Delaware Lottery plans to allow patrons of top lottery ticket sellers to use their debit cards to buy tickets over the counter.  The lottery also will add a Sunday drawing to two of its popular draw games. The two moves are expected to help the Lottery add another $2.4 million to the state budget in fiscal year 2024, which …

Delaware LIVE Weekly Review – August 8, 2021

Sonja FreyDelaware Live, Weekly Review

Hover over the image below and a gray bar pops up at the bottom. From here, you can scroll through the pdf, forward and backward, zoom in or out in 10% increments, download the PDF, or view in full-screen mode. [pdf-embedder url=”/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/DelawareLive-Aug-8.pdf” title=”DelawareLive-Aug 8″] This Week’s Top Headlines Include: Hundreds gather to protest ChristianaCare’s vaccine mandate State urges unvaccinated to …

Delaware Lottery will add Monday night drawings for Powerball

Charlie MegginsonCulture, Headlines

Delawareans looking to strike it big will soon have one additional chance per week to try their luck at the Powerball.  Powerball will add an additional drawing every Monday night at 10:59 p.m. beginning Aug. 23, 2021, according to the Multi-State Lottery Association.  Currently, Powerball drawings are held on Wednesday and Saturday nights at 10:59 p.m. “Since we launched Powerball …

Delaware’s vaccine goal in June: Adding 17,000 more people

Betsy PriceGovernment & Politics, Headlines, Health

    Delaware wants to vaccinate 17,000 people between now and July 4 to meet the goal President Joe Biden has set to have 70% of the population vaccinated by the Fourth of July. Gov. John Carney says that means the state needs to vaccinate about 5,000 people a week for the next month. “And celebrate Independence Day like no …