091120 protect the flock

UD brings back indoor masking as COVID-19 cases rise

Betsy PriceEducation, Headlines

The University of Delaware has announced it is going to require students and staff to wear masks in all indoor spaces as of 8 a.m. Tuesday. The move comes during commencement week as the Class of 2022 rocks its graduation traditions. “This is a special time of year with many celebratory events as we mark the end of the academic …

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Carney calls up National Guard to staff state home for disabled

Betsy PriceHeadlines, Health

  Gov. John Carney on Sunday issued an executive order asking members of the Delaware National Guard who are healthcare workers, to staff the Stockley Center in Georgetown. The center, which houses the disabled, is facing staff shortages due to a recent increase in COVID-19 community levels and industry-wide staffing shortages. The 50-bed Medicaid-certified Intermediate Care Facility serves people with …

emergency order

With COVID cases rising, Public Health recommends masking indoors

Betsy PriceHeadlines, Health

  The number of daily COVID-19 cases has risen in the last month from 157 per day to 547, the Delaware Division of Public Health reported this weekend. Those cases are the ones they know about. Many people are testing positive at home and not reporting it. While the number of cases are rising, the number of hospitalizations and deaths …

State sets May 3 memorial ceremony for COVID dead

Betsy PriceGovernment, Headlines

A memorial tree and plaque will be unveiled during a Delaware COVID-19 memorial ceremony. Photo by Pascal Muller/Unsplash   The state will hold a memorial ceremony May 3 to remember the Delaware parents, siblings, children and friends  and those who have died so far because of the COVID-19 pandemic, and those whose lives have been affected by those losses. It …


State: Students should be tested for COVID after spring break

Betsy PriceHeadlines, Health

    With COVID-19 cases rising again, the state Division of Public Health and Department of Education are asking parents to have their children tested the day before they return to the classroom. Spring break for most Delaware schools will occur the week of April 18. Families can use over-the-counter tests — which some schools gave to student families during …

Delaware will close its COVID-19 call centers Tuesday, Jan. 31.

Drop in COVID-19 cases, federal money means changes in Delaware

Betsy PriceHeadlines, Health

As the number of new COVID-19 cases continues to decline in Delaware, the state is shifting its weekly stats update to monthly. The next one will come out April 22. The Friday announcement also said the federal program that reimbursed providers for testing and vaccinating uninsured people will stop at 11:59 p.m. April 5. That means some providers may stop …

Symphony to keep mask, vaccine rules for March 11 concert

Betsy PriceCulture, Headlines

Conductor David Amado, center, leads the Delaware Symphony Orchestra in its February performance. Photo by Martin Martinez.   Even though The Grand Opera House in Wilmington has dropped its face mask and vaccine rules, the Delaware Symphony Orchestra will continue to require them for its March 11 concert there. J.C. Barker, executive director of the Delaware Symphony Orchestra, said while …

Most public schools have made wearing face masks optional

Jarek RutzEducation, Headlines

Only 7 public schools in Delaware have not yet lifted their face mask requirement. Photo by Rondae Productions/Pexels   Only two days after Gov. John Carney lifted Delaware’s school mask, virtually all schools have ditched the requirement and made face masks optional for teachers and students. Carney on Tuesday lifted the school mask mandate, effective at 6 p.m. on Tuesday. …


No Delaware hospitals plan to lift mask mandates soon

Betsy PriceHeadlines, Health

    Delaware hospital still require face masks to work or visit there. The hospitals issued a press release Tuesday to remind the public as state school and court masking rules were lifted this week. “While COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations are declining, protecting immunocompromised and severely ill patients from COVID-19 exposure continues to be a priority for Delaware hospitals,” said …

The Grand lifts mask, vaccine requirements for audiences

Betsy PriceCulture, Headlines

While The Grand has dropped its mask, vaccine requirements, it recommends people continue to wear them during performances because it draws patrons from such a large area. Photo by Joe del Tufo/Moonloop Photography   Well, you can whoop it up all you like at The Grand Opera House’s performances now that the venue has suspended its COVID-19 mask mandate and …