Diamond State Hospital Review Board Hospital board

Carney signs bill to create hospital review board

Betsy PriceGovernment, Headlines

The Diamond State Hospital Review Board blew into existence Thursday when Gov. John Carney signed House Bill 350. The board, which will have authority to review Delaware hospital budgets, recommend changes and enforce those changes, will help the state and consumers lower their healthcare bills by limiting the growth of hospital budgets, supporters say. Theoretically, supporters believe, that means the …

State Benefits Committee

Benefits Committee extends retiree health plans for 1 year

Betsy PriceGovernment, Headlines

Acting under emergency powers, the State Employment Benefit Committee voted Monday to continue state retiree health plans as they are through 2023. Rates will remain the same as they were for this year. That move did not stop retirees and their ringleaders from laying into the committee in a public comment session after the vote. Thomas Pledgie told the committee …

State retirees' health plan

Kowalko to file bill allowing retirees to choose health plan

Betsy PriceHeadlines, Health

    State Rep. John Kowalko on Friday unveiled a bill that will allow retirees to choose between the state’s current special Medicare plan or switch to the Medicare Advantage Plan that’s triggered all kinds of angst. Kowalko, D-Newark, has spearheaded opposition to the plan, saying it will dramatically change the way retirees get their health care. The plan would …

Black doula Ariandra Clark with patient Adrienne Dawson

Black doulas aim to reduce ethnic birth disparities

Betsy PriceHeadlines, Health

  Adrienne Dawson’s breathing was becoming erratic and panicky as her contractions increased while she labored last month with her first child at Christiana Care. Doula Ariandra Clark leaned over and rested her hand calmly on Dawson’s chest, and they looked into each other’s eyes. “Calm down,” Clark said kindly. If Dawson kept breathing like that, she would pass out, …