Transparency advocates push for campaign finance reform

Transparency advocates push for campaign finance reform

Charlie MegginsonGovernment, Headlines

With weeks to go before the first votes are cast in Delaware’s 2022 election cycle, advocates for government transparency are pushing for better campaign finance reporting. Common Cause Delaware, a nonprofit group that lobbies for open, honest and accountable government, has called for more frequent and detailed reporting of campaign funds collected when candidates run for office.  “It’s common knowledge …

Vote by mail

Delaware governor signs vote by mail, same-day registration

Charlie MegginsonGovernment, Headlines

In a private ceremony Friday, Gov. John Carney signed two Democrat-backed bills to allow voters to request mail-in ballots and register to vote on election day.  In response, Delaware Republican Party chairwoman Jane Brady said she’d be holding a press conference Friday afternoon to announce a legal challenge aimed at stopping the laws from taking effect. “When [the bill] first …

House Democrats publish final plan for House districts

Charlie MegginsonGovernment, Headlines

A look at the final proposed House Districts in New Castle County. Democratic leaders in the Delaware House of Representatives have published their final proposed House district maps in advance of a Nov. 1 special session to consider a redistricting bill. The special session comes just six days before the deadline for both parties to agree on redrawn districts, given …

Delaware Senate publishes final proposed redistricting maps

Betsy PriceGovernment, Headlines

Slaughter Beach was returned to District 18 in Sussex County rather than being grouped into a largely Kent County district.   Democratic leaders in the State Senate have published their final proposed Senate maps in advance of a Nov. 1 special session to consider a redistricting bill.  The special session comes just six days before the deadline for both parties …

Proposed voting maps draw ire of voters, advocacy groups, GOP

Charlie MegginsonGovernment, Headlines

Expedited redistricting process draws ire of open-government groups, concerned citizens House Democratic leaders have held the second and final public hearing on proposed redistricting maps. Now, the clock is ticking toward the General Assembly’s self-imposed Nov. 8 deadline to finalize the maps that will define Delaware’s House and Senate districts for the next decade. Despite the majority caucuses’ efforts to …

Little is being said about state redistricting, despite calls for transparency

Charlie MegginsonGovernment, Headlines

League of Women Voters proposed redistricting of Sussex County. Delaware’s state House and Senate districts must be redrawn and approved by Nov. 7, but legislative leaders have yet to announce a date to convene a special session to vote on the new district lines.  In August, a broad coalition of community organizations sent an open letter calling on Democratic House …