As my friends persistently point out, I eat out — a lot. But, hey, it’s part of my job and something my husband and I enjoy doing together. Consider it a hobby. While I’ve had many excellent meals since COVID-19 restaurant restrictions relaxed, some dishes stand out for one reason or another. Some are seasonal, others are specials, and several …
Delaware LIVE Weekly Review – June 26, 2022
Click on the image below to view as a PDF This Week’s Top Headlines Include: Headlines Same day voter registration bill heads to Carney Wilmington Learning Collaborative: Executive director by fall Senate passes budget bills topping $5 billion Culture Longwood Gardens to light up June 30 with Munro exhibit Mt. Cuba redesigns entrance to enhance garden experience Kenny, Wright named …
Ciro’s tasting menu highlights hidden jewel’s offering
In Delaware, status is bestowed to those with low-digit license plates, an address in the 19807 zip code and beachfront property. But in culinary circles, you can display your cultural or financial wealth by posting your tasting menu on Facebook. At Snuff Mill Restaurant, Butchery & Wine Bar, the “Off the Chain” six-course menu runs $200 per person sans wine. The …