
CCArts to host summer art camp for deaf children

Betsy PriceCulture, Summer

CCArts Program Director Jennifer Hartz and Executive Director Melissa Paolercio are looking forward to finally have an arts camp for deaf children. The project was delayed because of COVID. Delaware’s Center for the Creative Arts will be holding a summer arts camp specifically for the deaf. Camp Arts for All in Sign will be taught in American Sign Language. This will be …

Metered parking will be $4 an hour this year in Rehoboth Beach. (Wikimedia Commons photo by Dough4872)

You’ll probably pay more for beach parking this year

Katie KazimirCulture, Government, Headlines

Rehoboth, Dewey and Bethany beaches are increasing parking rates this summer, with Rehoboth and Dewey officials citing increased health insurance costs and other expenses. Parking rates for Lewes and Fenwick Island rates will not change. Here’s the situation in each Sussex County beach community. Rehoboth Beach parking Citing a $4.4 million deficit in the city’s proposed $37 million budget for …

Bellevue State Park hosts a popular summer concert series.

Summer concerts on the way – and they’re often free

Ken MammarellaCulture, Headlines

With Memorial Day marking the traditional start of summer, it’s time to think about the outdoor concerts and related activities planned around the state, with some of the fun stretching into fall. Many are free. Here’s a list. Bellevue State Park concerts “Time to dust off your lawn chairs,” Bellevue State Park park said on Facebook in announcing its summer …

A summer concert with the Honey Badgers at Rockford Park. (DNREC Division of Parks and Recreation)

Free concerts Mondays, Wednesdays at Wilmington State Parks

Ken MammarellaCulture, Headlines

Wilmington State Parks will host free concerts twice a week this summer. The concerts are 6:30 p.m. Mondays at Rockford Tower in Rockford Park and 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays at the Sugar Bowl in Brandywine Park, south of the Brandywine Zoo. RELATED: Bellevue State Park announces summer concerts 42 nights of free music at the Rehoboth Beach Bandstand Free concerts, movies and …

Bellevue State Park hosts a popular summer concert series.

Bellevue State Park announces summer concerts

Ken MammarellaCulture, Headlines

“Time to dust off your lawn chairs,” Bellevue State Park said on Facebook in announcing its summer concert series. “Can’t wait to share some delicious food and toe-tapping tunes,” the Brandywine Hundred park continued. Most concerts are 6:30 p.m. Sundays and Thursdays — with some dates skipped — and are included in park admission. Fans able to walk or bicycle into …