Rehoboth, Dewey and Bethany beaches are increasing parking rates this summer, with Rehoboth and Dewey officials citing increased health insurance costs and other expenses. Parking rates for Lewes and Fenwick Island rates will not change. Here’s the situation in each Sussex County beach community. Rehoboth Beach parking Citing a $4.4 million deficit in the city’s proposed $37 million budget for …
Fisher’s Popcorn picks Frankford site to expand
Fisher’s Popcorn of Delaware has chosen Frankford for a new $4.85 million facility that will more than quadruple space for its manufacturing and wholesale operations. The company’s current production facility in Fenwick Island is 2,000 square feet, and the new 17-acre site on Route 20 is almost 10,000 square feet. The additional space will include two kettles and a large …