The ACLU of Delaware is urging the Wilmington City Council to vote against a proposed ordinance. (Photo by Ground Picture/Shutterstock)

ACLU protests Wilm council ordinance limiting protests

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Government

This article has been updated, with new comments from additional sources and new information. The ACLU of Delaware urging the Wilmington City Council to vote ‘no’ on an ordinance it claims would curtail free speech resulted in the ordinance being held. Proposed Ordinance 24-036, sponsored by Councilperson Nathan Field, would make it unlawful for a “noise disturbance” that is focused …

Rockford Tower lit up for the holidays by Nathan Field

Rockford Tower lighting gets kickoff event for 2nd season

Betsy PriceHeadlines, Culture

When Rockford Tower in Wilmington was lit up for the holidays last year, it was the first time it ever had been and it delighted fans of the Wilmington park. This year, the moment the lights go on will be celebrated at the end of a Happy Hour at the Tower kickoff Nov. 4 that wil include food trucks, drinks …

Rockford Tower lit up for the holidays by Nathan Field

A new view: Rockford Tower is lit for the holidays

Betsy PriceCulture, Headlines

For the first time, Rockford Tower is lit up for the holidays. Fourteen of the tower’s 16 windows have been trimmed in gold lights and will stay lit into January, says Wilmington City Councilman Nathan Field, who not only masterminded the effort but helped string lights, too. The other two windows were not near the staircase and would have been …

Trolley Square utility box mural project

Trolley Square project turns utility boxes into art

Betsy PriceCulture, Headlines

Sungmin Bobyak expected that painting a ladybug mural on a utility box near the Trolley Square fountain plaza would be a solitary experience. It wasn’t. Drivers honked and yelled compliments out of their windows as they drove by. People who were walking by stopped to talk, some thanking her profusely for creating the public artwork. “I thought I would go …

Public infighting returns to Wilmington City Council

Charlie MegginsonGovernment, Headlines

Photo/City of Wilmington Wilmington City Council members must hand over all email, phone and text records from Jan. 2021 to March 2022 in response to a Freedom of Information Act request filed by one of their own.  Councilwoman Shané Darby, D-District 2, submitted the FOIA request because she says a group of seven city council members have been holding private …