Hover over the image below and a gray bar pops up at the bottom. From here, you can scroll through the pdf, forward and backward, zoom in or out in 10% increments, download the PDF, or view in full-screen mode. [pdf-embedder url=”https://delawarelive.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/DelawareLive-July-4.pdf” title=”DelawareLive-July 4″] This Week’s Top Headlines Include: Headlines Delaware group paints blue lines in public so police can …
New Miss Delaware USAs: One was sexually assaulted. The other helps those who are
Sky Knox, left, is the new Miss Delaware Teen USA and Drew Sanclemente is Miss Delaware USA 2021. Photo by Jessielyn Palumbo Studio A Wilmington teen who talked about being sexually assaulted by a teacher became Miss Delaware Teen USA 2021 Sunday, and the new Miss Delaware USA is a medical student who runs a charity that helps women …