Retail theft

Stores won’t get a break from rising theft through 2023

Betsy PriceBusiness, Headlines

  Retail theft in Delaware is causing concerns among local families and business owners. The economic impact, according to industry experts, could result in store closings. One mom posting recently in a Delaware moms’ Facebook group described how outraged she was as she stood in a store and watched people grab merchandise and run. A deluge of comments followed with …

New Bear Drive In will be built with cargo containers

Betsy PriceBusiness, Headlines

  A twin screen drive-in is set to go in into a field behind the Lowe’s in Bear.   A twin-screen Bear Drive-In is expected to open this month behind the Lowe’s in Bear. Bob Weir, who is the technical director at the Playhouse on Rodney Square and has a side business doing drive-in movies with inflatable screens, plans to …