The Fines and Fees Task Force's findings were approved by the city council last week. (Photo by designer491/iStock Getty Images)

Wilmington task force finds fines, fees are ‘high pain, low gain’

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Government

Water fees have risen the most of any city of Wilmington fees, and the city is increasing its use of the water/sewer fund to pay for general city expenses, according to a city task force report. The report said, among other findings, that using fines and fees is a low-reward system.  The 16-page report, conducted by Wilmington’s Fines and Fees …

While those in the hearing acknowledged most tow companies are operating in an ethical way, some have poor practices that HB 351 would seek to prevent.

Tow companies with predatory practices under heat

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Government

A bill aimed at cracking down on predatory practices from towing companies flew through the House Public Safety & Homeland Security Committee meeting Tuesday. House Bill 351, sponsored by Rep. Ed Osienski, D-Newark, creates the following requirements for the towing and storage of vehicles without the consent of the owner or operator:  Photographic evidence must be taken to document the …