voting supreme court ruling absentee ballot

Del. Supreme Court vacates lower court absentee ballot ruling

Betsy PriceGovernment, Headlines

The Delaware Supreme Court has thrown out a lower court ruling on absentee ballots in a unanimous vote, saying neither of the plaintiffs had standing to sue. While Democrats celebrated the decision, Republicans pointed out that the decision said nothing about the merits of the case, which focused on whether the state director of elections could choose voting by machine …

Capital One donates $4.7 million Wilmington riverfront building to DSU

Betsy PriceBusiness, Education, Headlines

Capital One donated this Wilmington Riverfront building to Delaware State University.   Capital One, the company famous for asking credit card owners what’s in their wallets, just slipped a $4.7 million Wilmington riverfront building into Delaware State University’s back pocket. The finance company headquartered in McLean, Virginia, announced Thursday that it’s giving Delaware’s only Historically Black College and University its …