surf fishing

State’s pilot surf fishing reservation system starts May 16

Betsy PriceCulture, Headlines

A new surf fishing reservation system for Delaware’s drive-on, multi use beaches is set to launch next week. The system will be required for fishing from the beach during summer weekends and holidays, which are the peak times. It’s necessary because after years of complaints about the limited number of tags as well as charges that out-of-state residents were taking …

Delaware low-digit surf tag

Want a low-digit surf fishing plate? Get ready to bid

Betsy PriceHeadlines, Government

 She may sell seashells by the seashore, but sundry surf fishers couldn’t give a sturgeon or swordfish about that. Those men and women only have eyes for a low-digit surf fishing plate that allows them to drive on that seashore to cast their lines from the sand. Starting Tuesday, Nov. 22 at 9 a.m., they have a chance to bid …