AAA Holiday Travel Forecast

Buckle up. The AAA Thanksgiving travel forecast says 217,000 of you are hitting the road

Peter OsborneHeadlines, Business, Traffic

WILMINGTON — Delawareans traveling this week for Thanksgiving hope they won’t be experiencing the plight of Steve Martin and John Candy in the classic Trains, Planes, and Automobiles movie as they head to see family and friends. On the other hand, they may not be upset if some out-of-town travelers get delayed if they’re the ones who will start the …


Vote for Claymont Transportation Center in national contest

Betsy PriceCulture, Headlines

The new Claymont Transportation Center is among 12 finalists in the 2024 America’s Transportation Awards contest, and local votes can push it into the People’s Choice title. The center, which opened Dec. 4, 2003, offered Delaware commuters an upgraded option to ride the rails. Named for former state senator Harris McDowell III, it has more than 800 parking spaces including …

It's pothole season. Watch out for this rough section of Grubb Road. Ken Mammarella photo

Potholes arenā€™t that big a deal in Del., but they cost a lot

Ken MammarellaCulture, Headlines

Delawareans use Google a lot less than the rest of America to find out about potholes, and new number crunching has concluded that means potholes are less of a problem in the First State. ā€œPothole data from each state isnā€™t available, but online searches for pothole-related terms can shed some light on where drivers are most frequently victimized by them,ā€ …