The Delaware Personal Data Privacy Act, which gives residents new rights over their personal data and strengthens online privacy protections, took effect January 1, 2024, following its passage by the General Assembly in 2023. Here are the key provisions of the new law: Opt-In: Businesses must get consent before using or sharing sensitive data like health conditions, race, religion, location, …
Bills, issues that will be back before the General Assembly
Since this year’s General Assembly session opened in January, hundreds of bills have passed, from marijuana legalization to climate change regulations. Plenty are still waiting for the second half of the 152nd session of the Assembly, which begins in January. Minority Leader Mike Ramone, R-Pike Creek, said Republicans had several tax bills that they are going to introduce at the …
3 bills addressing child abuse issues pass House
Three bills that change Delaware law as it relates to child abuse passed the House, with some sparking more contention than others. House Bill 182, sponsored by Rep. Krista Griffith, D-Fairfax, would change child abuse in the third, second and first degree to child abuse in the fourth, third and second degree respectively; and changes the new third degree child …
House Judiciary OKs one child abuse bill, tables another
The House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday discussed in detail two bills that look to change how Delaware handles child abuse cases. One was passed; the other tabled. Senate Bill 124, sponsored by Sen. Kyle Evans Gay, D-Arden, would clarify that people have to orally report cases of child abuse, neglect or trafficking to the Department of Services for Children, Youth …
EV bills inch closer to law as GOP continues opposition
Several energy-related bills waltzed through the House Resources and Energy Committee Tuesday, despite Republican opposition. Senate Substitute 1 for Senate Bill 7, sponsored by Sen. Stephanie Hansen, D-Middletown, would update the responsibilities of the State Energy Office to include developing the State Energy Plan, the state’s Climate Action Plan, and transitioning Delaware towards more renewable energy. The bill is a …
Data privacy bill passes House committee
A data privacy bill that will give consumers more rights went unanimously through the House Technology & Telecommunications Committee Tuesday, two in favor and four on its merits. House Bill 154, sponsored by Rep. Krista Griffith, D-Greenville, would give consumers the right to delete their personal data, change their personal data, know who is collecting their personal data and opt …
4 climate bills draw support, criticism ahead of hearings
Three House bills and one Senate bill are set to be heard Wednesday by the House Natural Resources and Energy committee and the Senate Environment Energy & Transportation committee. All of them are part of an initiative by Gov. John Carney and Democratic legislators to lower harmful emissions in Delaware to improve air quality. The package includes eight bills, seven …
Bill to give low-wage workers lower taxes moves on
A House finance committee released a bill that ultimately will allow low-wage earners to keep more of their money, a move that will cost the state 10s of millions every year. House Bill 89, sponsored by Rep. Paul Baumbach, D-Newark, would do three things: Increase the amount of refunded tax from 4.5% to 7.5% for low-wage earners who meet the …
Sunset Committee backs reorganizing Delaware Motion Picture Commission
The state Sunset Committee would like to see the Delaware Motion Picture and Television Commission reorganized and funded. A powerful state committee voted Tuesday to ask for the Delaware Motion Picture & Television Development Commission to be reconstituted, saying it could be an economic and public relations boost. The Joint Legislative Oversight and Sunset Committee also asked its staff …