Factory Sports, pictured above, is one of five locations in Delaware to be awarded money in the second round of the Sports Tourism Fund grants.

5 sports complexes share $10M in second round of Sports Tourism Fund grants

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Sports

Five sports facilities in the First State will share $10 million to make upgrades as part of the second round of grant allocations made by the newly formed Delaware Sports Tourism Capital Investment Fund. After considering 17 applications requesting a combined $47,138,560, here’s who the Delaware Tourism Office is dishing the money out to: Kirkwood Sports Complex – $4 million: …

Kirkwood Sports Complex, pictured above, is one of 17 organizations who submitted applications in this second round of allocations for Delaware's sports tourism fund.

17 sports facilities battle for a small share of $47.1M in state tourism funding

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Government

Seventeen organizations throughout the First State are asking for a combined $47,138,560 for construction, upgrades, and additions to their sports complexes to generate more income and attract more athletes and patrons.  The requests range from as little as $319,680 from the Sandhill Fields in Georgetown to as much as $10 million from Dover’s First State Aquatic Center.  It’s sure to …