Veterans Affairs in Delaware had a record high in services distributed in fiscal year 2024. (Photo from iStock)

Delaware lawmakers praise progress on benefits for DE veterans but say more attention is needed

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Government

Delaware legislators on both sides of the aisle are pleased with a U.S. Department of  Veterans Affairs (VA) report that shows Delaware veterans received record levels of care and benefits to Delaware veterans in fiscal year 2024. Nevertheless, state legislators say that while they’re impressed with the progress that’s been made in recent years, there’s a lot more than can …

Veterans Delaware Vietnam War Veterans

Vietnam vets honored in Wilmington at memorial statue

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Culture

  Delaware’s Vietnam Veterans were honored Saturday morning at the 40th annual celebration of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in downtown Wilmington. About 100 people attended, many sporting formal military uniforms and others wearing military-themed jackets.  A banner on the main stage displayed the message: “Never again will one generation of Veterans abandon another.” The event, hosted by Delaware Chapter 83 …

The center will support military vets.

Home of the Brave breaks ground on vet center

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Health

A new community center providing support to transitioning military veterans broke ground this week in Milford.  The Home of the Brave Foundation, in partnership with Nally Ventures and Horizon Construction Services, hosted the ceremony Tuesday. The mission of the foundation is to reduce homelessness among military veterans. In addition to providing transitional housing, food, and security, it assists with employment, …

Wilmington's Veteran Family Fun Day is July 14 at the Carousel Park and Equestrian Center.

Veterans can file for new benefits at July 14 family fun day

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Government

A new Veterans Affairs family fun day is organized around a serious tent pole: Getting 150 or more veterans to file claims for new federal benefits. The Wilmington Veterans Affairs Medical Center and Veteran Benefits Administration hope the July 14 event will bring the additional resources available through the Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics (PACT) Act to service members, veterans, …

Disabled veterans can now sign up for school property tax credit

Betsy PriceGovernment, Headlines

Disabled Veterans who have lived in Delaware for three years may qualify to a tax credit that offsets school taxes. Photo by Marcus Aurelius/Pexels.   All 16 state school districts have approved for  Veterans with a 100% disability rating a tax credit equal to their non-vocational school district property tax. House Bill 214 with House Amendment 1, which was signed …