Delaware Technical Community College followed CDC guidelines and dropped COVID-19 restrictions. Delaware Technical Community College announced Tuesday that it was lifting vaccination, testing and mask requirements for employees, student and visitors, effective immediately. It reserved the right to require masking when should a county meet the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s standards for masking. “After consultation with the …
Schools unlikely to lift mask mandate early, despite parent pleas
Gov. John Carney announced Monday that he would lift his indoor mask mandate Friday — except for schools, where masks are required until March 31. On Tuesday, parent Benjamin Kennedy asked the Appoquinimink School District Board to not wait and to get rid of masks in schools on Friday. The next night, parent Brandon Bushon asked the Red Clay …
99% of Delaware’s new COVID-19 cases that can be genotyped are Delta
Delawareans now can print out their COVID-19 vaccine records and those of their children. As COVID-19 cases, deaths and hospitalizations continue to rise, the state said Friday that 99% of the positive COVID-19 samples it was able to genotype during the week were the Delta variant. A state press release also said Delawareans can now access their state vaccination …
Legislative leaders spar over mask protests at school board meetings
Delaware legislators issued dueling press statements about people opposing the school mask mandate. Photo by Vera Davidova/Unsplash Democratic members of the Delaware Senate Education Committee lashed out Wednesday night, calling vocal protesters at school board meetings opposing the state mask mandate “immature and irresponsible.” “Our schools and our children’s education should not be held hostage by a vocal minority …
Moms say they will keep kids home rather than send to school masked
Some Delaware parents say they will keep their children out of classrooms rather than send them wearing a mask. Some parents who oppose Gov. John Carney’s mandate requiring school children and those in childcare to wear masks indoors say they will not send their kids back to school. “For my kid personally, it’s not good for his mental state,” said …
Carney: Mask mandate ending Friday
Gov. John Carney on Friday announced that – effective Friday, May 21 – the State of Delaware will lift its requirement that Delawareans and visitors must wear face coverings anytime they are indoors with others outside their household. Delawareans should instead follow masking guidance issued on Thursday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for all indoor and outdoor activities. …