Delaware College of Art and Design announces it’s closing

Jarek RutzEducation, Headlines

The Delaware College of Art and Design is closing, it announced today on Facebook and in a letter from its president. It plans to help students transfer to PCA&D – Pennsylvania College of Art & Design and Moore College of Art & Design. The move comes as a group of downtown leaders are trying to finalize funding to turn a …

Wilmington Art Loop returns after nearly 2 years

Charlie MegginsonCulture, Headlines

Artist Siobhan Duggan’s Fleeting at the Mezzanine Gallery City officials are inviting residents and visitors to the first in-person Wilmington Art Loop event in twenty months.  Shuttered due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Wilmington Art Loop is a self-guided exhibition of visual art displayed at galleries, studios, museums, and alternative spaces in and around Wilmington.  The free event draws local …