Stem Delaware Center for Life Science Education and Training

$3 million pilot program to find, train people for STEM jobs

Betsy PriceBusiness, Headlines

A new 3-year pilot program bolstered by federal and state money will recruit and train Delawareans in STEM skills needed for basic laboratory and advanced biomanufacturing jobs. The move is part of a state focus on training a workforce for the future, partly to attract and keep the kind of STEM-related businesses expected to grow and provide more jobs in …

DelawareLive Mar 10

DelawareLIVE Weekly Review – March 10, 2024

Sonja FreyDelaware Live, Weekly Review

This Week’s Review Includes: You’ll probably pay more for beach parking this year Delaware’s DNA life sciences conference returns after boffo debut Slip into 1920s with Cured Plate’s unique dining experience Handgun permit, training bill returns to Senate for vote on changes New bill could penalize those lying about service animal Dover and Salesianum advance to state championship Click on …

Delaware DNA

Delaware’s DNA life sciences conference returns after boffo debut

Betsy PriceBusiness, Headlines

A wildly successful state biosciences conference returns this year when Delaware’s DNA returns May 9. Sponsored by Delaware BIO, last year’s conference was notable for its energetic vibe, notable speakers and visible networking. “That was the first time we’d ever put on a full day event like that, focused on really highlighting and showcasing the depth and breadth of the …


Delaware Bio’s Women in STEM conference draws 250 people

Betsy PriceHeadlines, Business

Four generations of women are working together in the bioscience industry, and all bring different viewpoints, expectations and behaviors, attendees were told Thursday during  Delaware Bio‘s Inspiring Women in STEM 2023 Conference. They can all learn from each other, panelists said during a Bridging Generations session. “A lot of times we are the ones that doubt ourselves or whether or …

Wilmington Loop

Loop coalition: Finish walkable bike trail around Wilmington

Betsy PriceCulture, Headlines

A group of business, community and government leaders would like to see several New Castle County walkable bike trails connected to become a seamless 16-mile Wilmington Loop. Doing so, says leaders of the coalition, would transform the city’s economy and quality of life because it would: Connect communities, jobs, schools, cultural institutions and state and national parks. Create safe paths …

Cancer-focused CorriXR Therapetics wins ‘most promising’ award

Betsy PriceBusiness, Headlines

CorriXR Therapeutics was given the “Most Promising New Company” award by attendees at the inaugural Delaware’s DNA 2023 Life Science Conference. Sponsored by Delaware Bio, the conference attracted 300 people to network and hear panels about industry trends. CorriXR, the first spin-out of ChristianaCare’s Gene Editing Institute, is an oncology-focused biotherapeutics development company with what they describe as a ground-breaking …