Avenue North is getting a restaurant that plans on having outdoor music. (Ken Mammarella photo)

Neighbors debate outdoor music at Avenue North restaurant

Ken MammarellaBusiness, Headlines

Residents of North Wilmington are making their voices heard about a proposal to allow a restaurant liquor license that includes speakers and live entertainment on the patio. The restaurant is the Blackwall Barn & Lodge, planned for Avenue North, the multi-use complex being developed on the old Astra Zeneca operations at Concord Pike and Murphy Road. IN THE NEWS: Pedestrian/bicyclist …

underpass photo

Pedestrian/bicyclist pathway sought under Concord Pike

Ken MammarellaGovernment, Headlines

A pathway under Concord Pike for pedestrians and bicyclists is being considered as a way to break through the barrier between people who live on the eastern side of the busy and wide highway and the parks and trails on the west. The Rocky Run Underpass, if built, would take advantage of an existing culvert, just south of the Widener …

The Facebook Marketplace ad says for the Concord Diner is for sale for $220,000.

Concord Diner in North Wilmington is for sale – on Facebook

Ken MammarellaBusiness, Headlines

The Concord Diner, a year-old 24-hour restaurant in North Wilmington, is for sale – on Facebook Marketplace. “Used – like new,” says the listing. It gives the price as $220,000. Uğur Dizman on Sept. 10  also listed the sale of the business on his personal Facebook Page. RELATED: Brandywine Restaurant to become Brandywine Brasserie Dizman did not respond to requests …

McDonald's wants to reduce drive-thru backups when it rebuilds its Concord Pike restaurant. Ken Mammarella photo

New McDonald’s on Concord Pike rethinks busy drive-thru

Ken MammarellaBusiness, Headlines

McDonald’s wants to rebuild its Concord Pike restaurant, destroyed by fire in January, in a way that will reduce a drive-thru line that often backed up onto the busy highway in Talleyville. The plans will be discussed at a meeting at 6 p.m. April 11, at the Talleyville Fire Company. “A plan is being prepared for submission that would three …

A new study will focus on traffic and development along and near Kirkwood Highway. (Photo by Dough4872 from Wikimedia)

Planners: How would you like Kirkwood Highway to change?

Ken MammarellaGovernment, Headlines

A regional planning agency wants your opinion on the future of Kirkwood Highway in its first comprehensive review of eight miles of the retail and business corridor. “We have never looked at the full Kirkwood Highway/Capitol Trail Corridor for both transportation and land use, in this way,” said Dave Gula, principal planner for the Wilmington Area Planning Council. “To our …

Brew HaHa! Avenue North

Brew HaHa!’s new Avenue North shop opened Monday

Betsy PriceCulture, Headlines

    Brew HaHa! debuted its latest coffee shop in Avenue North Monday, with decor designed to evoke a 1970s Upper West Side apartment in New York. The shop will be one of the new elements of Avenue North’s $300 million redevelopment of former Astra Zeneca property off U.S. 202 that aims to provide a work-play-live environment. Developers Delle Donne …